hawkins / design

Landing Page Redesign

Main landing + Topics page redesign for Digital Trends.


To continue its growth as one of the the most influential tech review sites in the world, digitaltrends.com (Digital Trends) needed to accommodate more content, more users, and create a better user experience both internally and externally. Having the majority of traffic arrive onsite from Google searches, social media posts, and newsletters, users of Digital Trends would end up directly on an article page versus the home page or a general Topic page.

This is great if the user is looking for a specific set of information, however not ideal for brand recognition, repeat users, and increased page views. We noticed a high number of users jumping off site when landing on the home page or general topics pages. Along with the lack of time on page for the home page and general topics pages, we noticed the SEO ranking for these pages was lower than expected. If this were to continue, Digital Trends would not be the hero docent of the tech world it is today.

*Topics Page: A "topics page" is the landing page of a specific topic within Digital Trends. The home page is considered a topics page at its core.


As the Sr. UX Designer, I set out with my team to create an updated grid structure, information architecture, navigation, content behavior, and of course, a refreshed interface of our home page and general topics pages.

Content behavior

Before approaching an entire redesign, the team and I focused on how these pages will be populated with content. Starting with the information architecture, we categorically updated the navigation system.

This allows for the automation of content across the home page and general topics pages. Serving the user the most recent content right away in a reverse chronological order. The newest content lives above the fold, in a section referred to as the Main Engagement Module, or MEM.

As more content is added, the older content drops into a flow of content, referred to as a river.

Main Engagement Module

Up until 2019, Digital Trends was only able to feature 9 stories above the fold in what we referred to as the Main Engagement Module (MEM).

By restructuring the interface of the MEM, the behavior of content flowing throughout the page, we are able to host 12 stories, and two advertising placements, above the fold. In the case of a Topics Page (such as Computing), we have the option of a section title, background image, sub topic links, sponsorships, awards, as well as an Author bio module.

Not only does this improve the SEO for Digital Trends, it promotes the contributing experts, authors, and influencers of specific topics. Improving search, brand and author recognition, and credibility among our users and peers.

2019 – MEM – 9 posts max

2022 (current) – MEM – 12 posts max

Content River

Alongside the river, I created a right column that is completely customizable and / or automated. The modules that live in this right column can be promoted, pinned to a specific place within the column, and features topic-specific content.

Curated Sidebar

Alongside the river, I created a right column that is completely customizable and / or automated. The Collection Modules that live in this right column can be promoted, pinned to a specific place within the column, and feature topic-specific content.



  • Will Hawkins
  • Sr. UX Designer
  • Seth Terpstra
  • Design Director
  • Brandon Clark
  • Director of Engineering
  • Richard Benjamin
  • Software Engineer


  • Figma



Adobe CC


  • DotComm Awards
  • Marcom Awards
  • Digiday Awards
  • Folio: 100
  • Top Women in Media: Folio: + AdMonsters
  • The Communicator Awards
  • Viddy Awards
